Mission Statement

Kusukela ngo-1985, i-American Language Services (AML-Global) izamile ukusiza amakhasimende ethu ukuxhumana ngempumelelo nabanye emhlabeni jikelele. Sekuyiminyaka engama-35+ sihlinzeka ngongoti bezilimi abanekhono nabanolwazi ezinkampanini. Umgomo wethu uwukunikeza inkundla esezingeni lomhlaba ukuxhumanisa amakhasimende nezazi zezilimi ezingcono kakhulu, eziqeqesheke kakhulu ezitholakala emhlabeni.

Sithatha indlela yokubonisana esiza ukuvala izikhala zokuxhumana phakathi kwamakhasimende ethu nezimakethe zawo eziqondiwe. Ngomsebenzi wethu, sithemba ukusiza ukwenza umhlaba uxhumeke kakhulu futhi uzizwe umncane. Futhi, ngokwenza kanjalo, yenza umhlaba ube indawo eqondayo kakhudlwana.

Isitatimende Ngokuhlukahlukana

As a leading worldwide language service provider, we believe in strength through inclusion. Inclusion for us means hiring employees, contractors & vendors with as much diversity as possible. To that extent, we have hired bilingual staff, of course in the U.S. and from around the world.  For example, we have projects managers from a multitude of counties including France, Italy, Germany, Austria, China, Thailand, Kosovo, Costa Rica, Mexico, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, and Belize to name some.        

Hlangana neThimba lethu

U-Dina Spevack: Umsunguli, i-CEO kanye noMqondisi we-Emeritus

UNksz Dina Spevack, umholi webhizinisi ophumelelayo, uchwepheshe wolimi, kanye nothisha wasungula i-American Language Services (AML-Global) ngo-1985. Ukhulele eCleveland, e-Ohio, u-Dina wathola iziqu ze-masters kwezemfundo e-Ohio State University. Njengomfundisi wezohwebo, uthando lwakhe lwezilimi nokwehlukahlukana lwachuma phakathi nezinsuku zakhe zokufundisa eCleveland Middle School futhi kamuva naseLe Lycee Francais edumile eLos Angeles.

Kusukela ekubeni umhambi womhlaba, unesipiliyoni seminyaka eminingi ethuthukisa ukuqonda phakathi kwabantu bamasiko ahlukahlukene. Eminyakeni yakhe phesheya kwezilwandle, uDina wasebenza efundisa isiNgisi njengoLimi Lwesibili futhi wachitha iminyaka emihlanu kwa-Israel efundisa izikhulu zempi nezombusazwe eziphakeme. Uthando lwakhe lwempilo yonke ngezilimi namasiko lwamshukumisela ukuba enze i-AML-Global ukuze asize umhlaba wamukele izidingo ezishintshayo zomphakathi womhlaba.

Ithonya elihle likaNksz Spevack lisazwakala nanamuhla usuku nosuku. Ubeke isisekelo sokuthi inkampani yethu yamukele izinqubo ezingcono kakhulu zemboni nokuhlala icabanga phambili ngokwamukela izixazululo zobuchwepheshe obusha obusha obusebenzayo. Njengoba kulindelekile, futhi ungummeli omkhulu wokusiza amakhasimende. Emashumini ambalwa eminyaka nje, uNkz. Spevack usekhulise i-AML - Global waba omunye wabahlinzeki bezinsizakalo zolimi abaphumelela kakhulu nabahlonishwayo; hhayi e-US kuphela, kodwa emhlabeni jikelele.

U-Alan Weiss: I-VP Enkulu Yezokuthengisa Nokuthengisa

UMnu. Weiss usebenze njenge-VP ye-AML-Global Yezokudayisa Nezokumaketha iminyaka engaphezu kwengu-12. Uneminyaka engu-30 kanye nesipiliyoni sokuthengisa nokuthengisa, kanye nolwazi olujulile lwemboni yokuhumusha nokuhumusha. Ngaphambi kokujoyina iqembu lethu, u-Alan ubenezikhundla eziphezulu zokuthengisa nezokuthengisa futhi wasebenza namakhasimende ezinkampanini ezimbalwa ze-Fortune 500. U-Alan futhi ungumphathi oziqhenyayo we-BA in Business Administration evela eNyuvesi yaseWestern Michigan.

Umcabango ongaphandle kwebhokisi, u-Alan unekhono lokuhlela amasu okuthengisa nokusebenzisa izinhlelo zamasu eziyinkimbinkimbi. Ngesikhathi sakhe ku-AML-Global, usebenze ngokuzikhandla ukuze aqhubekisele phambili ukukhula kwebhizinisi kanye nenzuzo eyengeziwe. Ubuchwepheshe bakhe bokuhlelela, ukungena ezimakethe, ukuthengisa ngokubonisana, ukuphatha, ukuphathwa kwe-akhawunti okubalulekile, nokuhlaziya ngokuncintisana.

Ungowokuzalwa e-Detroit, u-Alan ungumthandi wezemidlalo, umqwayizi wezintaba, umgibeli webhayisikili, kanye nomdlali we-backgammon oqhudelanayo obizwa nge-LA home kusukela ngo-1985.

U-Jay Herzog: Umphathi Wezokuthengisa kanye Nomphathi We-akhawunti Engu-Sr

UMnu. Herzog usebenze njengesikhulu esiphezulu se-akhawunti kanye nomphathi wezokuthengisa ku-American Language Services iminyaka engaphezu kwe-17. Uneminyaka engu-30 kanye nesipiliyoni sokuthengisa nokumaketha kanye nolwazi olujulile lwemboni yokuhumusha nokuhumusha.

Ngesikhathi ese-AML-Global, u-Jay useke wasebenzela amakhasimende ezinkampanini ze-Fortune 500, Ezingenzi Inzuzo, amanyuvesi amakhulu, amafemu aphezulu ayi-100, kanye nezinhlobonhlobo zezinhlaka zikahulumeni. Uphinde abe neziqu ze-BA in English Literature azithola eNyuvesi yaseFlorida.

U-Jay ungumxazululi wezinkinga okhethekile futhi ungumsekeli oqinile wokuphendula okusheshayo kanye nenkonzo ephelele yamakhasimende. Odabuka eNew Rochelle, eNew York, uMnu. Herzog usehlale e-Los Angeles kusukela ngo-1982. Ungumlandeli omkhulu wezemidlalo kanye negalofu lokuqala.

Gilberto Garcia: Interpreting Manager

As the Interpreting Manager at American Language Services Gilberto oversees a team that deliver a broad spectrum of interpreting projects throughout the US and internationally. In 2021, Gilberto started with our company as an intern in the Interpreting department. He rose quickly through the ranks to become the manager in 2022. His strong leadership skills have a positive impact on the overall performance and daily operations of our interpreting team. He and his team are adept at handling a wide range of onsite, virtual (VRI) and telephonic projects (OPI) for our valued clients in industries such as legal, medical, medical device, educational, governmental and corporate.    Gilberto has worked with our esteemed clients on very high-profile and urgent jobs. 

Gilberto was born and raised in Morelia, a small city in central Mexico filled with culture and history which inspired him to constantly learn and understand the world around him. He graduated from Universidad Anahuac with a BA in International Relations and has studied languages such as Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Japanese. Gilberto’s upbringing and degree reflect his interests in history, culture, languages and social issues. He is passionate about how language and diversity allow people to communicate, create and help each other in everyday life. This being his main drive while working with American Language Services.

In his free time, Gilberto enjoys spending time with his friends, reading, learning about art, random history facts and is an avid pop culture fan.

Leslie Jacobson: Umphathi Wokutolika Wenkomfa

U-Leslie Jacobson ube ne-American Language Services kusukela ngo-2009. Ekuqaleni endaweni yase-Seattle, wathweswa iziqu e-University of San Francisco nge-BS in Organizational Behavior.

Wasebenza njengomxhumanisi wenkontileka yesoftware iminyaka eminingana wabe eseshada, wathuthela eMinnesota iminyaka embalwa futhi waba nomndeni.

Ekugcineni ezinza eLos Angeles ngo-2008, waqala ukusebenza kwa-American Language Services ngonyaka olandelayo.

U-Leslie uyakujabulela ukuchitha isikhathi nomndeni wakhe nanoma yini engaphandle njengokugibela ibhayisikili nokuya olwandle nokuqwala amagquma nemihosha eseNingizimu California.

Patricia Lambin: Translation Manager

As the Translation Manager at American Language Services , Patricia oversees a team that delivers high-quality translation services for our global clients across various industries. The client is at the heart of our business, and she ensures that we understand each client’s requirements and provide solutions to meet their linguistic needs. She collaborates with our team of highly skilled project managers to coordinate on translation projects, set priorities, address potential issues and meet deadlines.

Patricia has more than 15 years of experience in the translation and localization industry serving in a variety of roles including linguist, instructor, project manager and translation manager. She earned her M.A. in Translation from the University of La Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, and her B.A. in French and Spanish Literature/Civilization and International Business from Georgia State University. She is a native French speaker from Ivory Coast and is passionate about travelling and discovering new cultures and traditions. She has lived and worked in the US, Brazil, Spain, France and the UK and now plans on learning more about the Asian languages and cultures.

Outside of work, she values time spent with her family and friends. She enjoys spending time outdoors exploring the West African coast and its beaches.

Diellza Hasani: Sourcing Manager

As the Sourcing Manager at American Language Services Diellza oversees a team that source language professionals for a variety of assignments. She is also responsible for managing our ever-expanding vendor network, leading her team and interns through various assignments and projects. She is also responsible for managing our proprietary database of 50,000 + vendors, where the system is constantly updated and linguist are prescreened and tested.   Diellza has been with our company for almost 4 years, she  starting out in our marketing department before transitioning to the Sourcing Department as a Sourcing Coordinator. Impressed by her dedication and grasp of the demands on the role, she was promoted to her current role as a Sourcing Manager. In her current position, she is responsible for managing the sourcing department,  

Diellza Hasani was born and raised in Kosovo. She pursued her academic journey by earning a double degree in International Sales and Marketing. During her studies, she seized opportunities for international exchange, including an enriching experience in Finland, which further fueled her passion for languages and cultural exploration. Additionally, she has experience as an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and translator in the fields of economics, politics, journalism, and business.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Diellza finds solace in nature, often embarking on many outdoor adventures. She also nurtures her love for travel, seeking new experiences and cultural immersion. She also enjoys playing the guitar and is learning to play the piano.

U-Reuben Trujeque: Umphathi Wezezimali

UReuben Trujeque ungowokuzalwa eBelize, eMelika Ephakathi. Ngenkathi efunda ekolishi elincane, ubephakathi kwabafundi abayisithupha ababuthwe amaJesuit baseSt Thomas University eFlorida. Uthole iziqu ze-BA ku-Accounting wathuthela eCalifornia lapho aphumelela khona ukuhlolwa kwe-CPA.

Ubuchwepheshe bakhe beminyaka engama-30 nangaphezulu buvela endimeni yakhe yobuholi ezinkampanini ezimbonini eziningi lapho axhumana khona nama-CPA, amabhange, abameli, kanye nabasebenzi bakahulumeni.

URuben uyilungu elisebenzayo leBelize Association of Justices of The Peace elisebenzela umphakathi wendawo kanye nalabo abasezweni lakubo. Uthanda ukubukela ezemidlalo, ikakhulukazi ibhola lomnqakiswano, nokuchitha isikhathi esihle nomndeni. Izilimi zakhe zomdabu isiCreole nesiNgisi.

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Bekhasimende

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Bekhasimende

Chofoza lapha ukuze uthole okwengeziwe mayelana yethu Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Bekhasimende

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Somthengisi

Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Somthengisi

Chofoza lapha ukuze uthole okwengeziwe mayelana yethu Isitatimende Sobumfihlo Somthengisi

Isitatimende se-ADA

Isitatimende se-ADA

Chofoza lapha ukuze uthole okwengeziwe mayelana yethu Isitatimende Somthetho Wokukhubazeka waseMelika (ADA).

Xhumana nathi noma usishayele ukuze uthole ukuthi singasiza kanjani.

Our Ihhovisi Lebhizinisi


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