The translation of literary works is considered by many to be one of the highest forms of translation as it involves so much more than simply translating text. A multitude of concepts regarding literary translation have been developed and implemented throughout history; however, the result of faithful reproduction is always the underlying goal.

Style and Substance is the Key to Good Literary Translations

The subjective nature of literary translation requires expert translators and editors with vast literary knowledge. The main task of literary translation lies in the faithful reproduction of the spirit and features of the original work. Many theoreticians hold that the reproduction of the style of the original work is necessary and possible and American Language Services ® has the translation specialists needed to accomplish the artistic as well as technical aspects of this complicated field.

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Desktop Publishing is a Critical Factor in Literary Translations

Formatting literary material is a key element in the process of creating a “true to original” piece. The formatting of literary works into foreign languages can be extremely complex due to growth and shrinkage of text between various languages. Images, graphs, charts, tables and many other factors must be considered when organizing and converting literary text. 

Expert and Timely Literary Translation Solutions

A publisher with an image intense book needed the book translated into Spanish for sale in the Latin American market. Keeping the original format was a critical element in how the book was organized. Even with the expansion of words from English to Spanish, American Language Services ® translators and desktop publishers were able to translate and format the book while retaining 100% integrity with the original work.

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