

Professional Interpreting Services

American Language Services offers multi-language interpreting services



  • Ku Basa

    Learn about the history and culture of several languages that we provide services for. We offer multi-language interpreting and translating, with expertise in over 240 languages. Read the Language Articles >>

  • Ku Kota

    Cities in the U.S. each have a very different population that all speak several languages. Every area requires different certifications and has different regulations for interpreters, translators and transcriptionists. We provide a highly certified staff that has extensive knowledge of the rules and regulations in every city they work in. Read the City Articles >>

  • By State

    Every State in the country has a culturally different population. There are several languages in each state and bridging the communication gap is what we tries to accomplish with every job worldwide. Our certified staff has extensive knowledge of the rules and regulations in every State they work in. Read the State Articles >>

  • Ku Industri Spésialisasi

    Medical, Legal, Marketing, Education, Science, Technology are just some of the Industries that we provide service to. Our experienced staff has knowledge in every aspect of the industry and provides the highest quality service in the field in which he works. AML-Global has the full range of language services to ensure the quality of our work and to meet our client’s goals. Read the Industry Articles >>

Solusi Basa pikeun Populasi Rupa-rupa.

Pikeun leuwih ti saparapat abad American Language Services geus nyambungkeun populasi California sarta komunitas bisnis dina loba tingkat béda. Layanan Basa Amérika nyayogikeun solusi anu épéktip sareng tepat waktu pikeun sadaya kabutuhan basa anjeun. Staf ahli di American Language Services gaduh pangalaman sareng téknologi canggih pikeun ngamungkinkeun urang mendakan juru basa lokal anu paling mumpuni dina unggal basa sareng lokasi pikeun naon waé tugas anjeun. Layanan basa Amérika tiasa dihontal 24 jam sadinten, 7 dinten saminggu di 800-951-5020.


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