Irvine Language Interpreters

For 35+ years, American Language Services has developed an excellent reputation regarding the quality of our in-person certified interpreters as well as our unsurpassed client services. A language interpreter can be a very underestimated professional in the world today. Many of us cannot speak two languages and we only specialize in one field of study. Our Irvine interpreters are fluent in English and at least one other language, and they are knowledgeable in a wide range of specialized fields such as legal, medical, technical, manufacturing, and engineering. 

Irvine Interpreting Services for Every Situation

Како долгогодишен давател на јазични услуги, нудиме исклучително квалификувано интерпретирање лично, видео далечинско толкување (VRI) и преведување преку телефон (OPI). Нашите услуги се ефективни, лесни за поставување и достапни 24 часа, 7 дена во неделата. Работиме на над 200 јазици вкупно, што го вклучува и американскиот знаковен јазик (ASL).

We have the most qualified, highly trained, experienced, and certified language interpreters in the business, and we put our reputation on the line for every project they take on. Our Irvine interpreters have played a significant role in many high-profile court cases, security related meetings, business strategy sessions and patent filing projects. 

За брза и бесплатна понуда преку Интернет или за да поднесете нарачка, кликнете на услугата од интерес подолу

Irvine Interpreting in an Ever-changing World

Вирусот на коронавирус ги погоди Соединетите држави во март 2020 година и продолжи да ја менува нашата работна средина и да ја ограничува личната интеракција. Сфаќаме дека ова може да биде нова норма некое време и со задоволство ви нудиме одлични опции за интерпретирање лично.

Безбедни, економични и ефикасни опции за толкување

(VRI) Видео далечинско толкување

Нашиот VRI систем се нарекува Виртуелно поврзување и може да се користи и однапред закажано и на барање. Ние работиме во 200+ јазици. Our interpreters are available 24 Hours, 7 days week. It is easy to set up, reliable, cost effective, and efficient. 
Кликни тука за повеќе информации.

(ОПИ) Преведување преку телефон 

Ние обезбедуваме Over the Phone Interpreting (OPI) in 100+ languages. This service is available 24 Hours, 7 days week and is perfect for shorter projects and also ones that are off normal business hours. This is also great for last minute scheduling, is cost-effective, and an easy-to-use alternative. This is also offered both Pre-Scheduled & On-Demand and. 
Кликни тука за повеќе информации.

Ориентирани кон целта, искусни преведувачи ви се на услуга

Кои се вашите комуникациски цели? Секоја компанија има специфични цели на ум. Нашата цел е да се осигураме дека вашите цели се исполнети. Ние ќе работиме со вас во временската рамка што ја барате за да го постигнете успехот што го посакувате.

AML-Global interpreters are experienced, knowledgeable, and highly effective in any environment. Our certified and credentialed interpreters speak over 200 languages and are highly accomplished in both simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. Our native speaking interpreters communicate in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, American Sign Language (ASL) among many other languages. The Spanish language is among the most widely spoken throughout the Irvine area. We provide the most qualified Spanish interpreters in Irvine as well as some of the most highly skilled certified interpreters in other languages. Our interpreters in Irvine have proven to be able to handle the large groups and high-pressure environments that Irvine has to offer.

Experienced Language Interpreters for Events in Irvine 

We have a vast resource base of interpreters located around the county and a skilled and friendly staff to help you promptly and cost-effectively fulfill your request. So, if you are planning a large event, have a legal assignment, participating in a conference, or attending a trade show at a huge venue, American Language Services, has skilled interpreters in the Irvine area that can help you reach clients, business partners and potential new foreign language speaking customers. Achieving this would be far more difficult without the skills of our Irvine interpreters. They are here to help you determine what is necessary to communicate with potential clients or consumers at the event. Also, we provide project managers to advise you with special considerations such as corporate culture, scheduling, and other technical considerations.

If you want to do business with international partners, it is important to be flexible with your schedule. Our Irvine language interpreters are available for conference calls, sales presentations, and trade missions any time, day, or night. We offer simultaneous and consecutive interpretations for all your business needs. Our Irvine Interpreters also specialize in corporate events, tours, courtroom trials, focus groups, and marketing research projects. 

Дознајте повеќе за нашите услуги со повик 800-951-5020

Irvine Location
2967 Мајкелсон Драјв
Ирвин CA 92612
телефон: (949) 380-0625

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